Best medicine to treat internal parasites?


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Jun 25, 2016
Hello, about a little over a month ago I purchased a 5 inch male red tiger motaguense , when I got him he was very skinny and I figured it was just because of the fact that he came from the Lfs and over time he would chunk up, I keep him in a 90 gallon tank alone with the heat at about 80, water parameters are fine, anyways he hasn't grown in the slightest still looks very skinny, I give him north fin pellets for cichlids I occasionally see him come out to eat but his stomach never grows , he only eats when I'm not in front of the tank and is constantly hiding ( I figure that's normal for a parachromis of his size) anyways I'm pretty sure he has some sort of internal parasite, wondering what would be the best method of treating it ?
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MFK Member
Jan 31, 2018
Roseville, MI
Here’s what I do. Buy general cure, sea chem focus and some garlic or garlic guard. Mix general cure, focus, garlic , the north fin pellets he likes and some tank water. Just enough water to let the pellets soak up the meds than after that lay the medicated pellets out on a paper plate and let them completely dry. Make a big enough batch to feed for 4 days


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 3, 2013
It's always so hard to know. Whenever I get new fish, if I start to see signs of illness, I start with a copper-based ICH treatment. Mardel Coppersafe or Rid-Ich or any of that variety.

I keep up with water changes and usually that does it.

Good luck, I hope he starts to fatten up for you.
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MFK Member
Mar 11, 2018
Each type of internal parasite needs a different medication, so the best way to treat is to first examine his feces with a microscope to identify the parasite you are treating (and to confirm that he really has internal parasites) and then choose the right medication based on what you found in his feces.
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MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
I agree with the above.
If it bacterial, an antibiotic may be needed, and one specific as to whether the bacteria are gram pos, or gram neg.
If it is nematodes, you would need a de-wormer.
Or... could be protozoan, using something altogether different.
In other words there is no simple answer, without diagnosis.
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Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
While I agree with Cabie Cabie , when internal parasites are suspected I tend to treat for the most common internal parasite found in cichlids, which is typically Spironucleus vortens. If the fish is still eating I feed NLS Hex-Shield for 4-5 days, which typically resolves the issue. If not, a second treatment a few days later has resolved more stubborn cases. If I suspect worms, or see any signs of worms, I treat with a deworming agent such Levamisole. You can use PraziPro for deworming, but it only works on flat worms, not round worms.

If an ectoparasite is suspected, which this doesn't sound like, I treat with copper based meds.

Good luck


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Apr 30, 2005
Hello, about a little over a month ago I purchased a 5 inch male red tiger motaguense , when I got him he was very skinny and I figured it was just because of the fact that he came from the Lfs and over time he would chunk up, I keep him in a 90 gallon tank alone with the heat at about 80, water parameters are fine, anyways he hasn't grown in the slightest still looks very skinny, I give him north fin pellets for cichlids I occasionally see him come out to eat but his stomach never grows , he only eats when I'm not in front of the tank and is constantly hiding ( I figure that's normal for a parachromis of his size) anyways I'm pretty sure he has some sort of internal parasite, wondering what would be the best method of treating it ?
take a look at Dr G's marine aquaculture website. he has excellent medicated frozen foods that i have used in the past, mainly for worming and have always had excellent results. It must be palatable because my fish have always eaten it with great enthusiasm . which of course is half the battle. This way you know they are being treated. Hope the suggestion will help.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Jun 25, 2016
thank you for all the suggestions, i dont have a microscope so i cant really examine it more than i already have, im planning on buying some prazipro this afternoon and trying that out, if this doesnt work ill try other methods