There are a number of different temp zones in Central America, so just using the blanket term can be misleading.
Many Herichthys, Mayaheros, and Nosferatu come from northern Mexico where temps are somewhat seasonal, can be cool (if not cold) at night and hot during the day. Run off from near by mountains also can keep temps down. I found that some of these cichlids can be susceptible to bacterial diseases at constant temps above 82.
Some Nosferatu bartoni come from waters that barely rise above 70'F.
The great Lakes of Nicaragua average only in the mid 70s, and at depths only in the 60sF.
Lake Arenal where P dove are found is very wind swept, and they are said to be most active (according to fishermen) when temps are in the high 60sF.
Cincelichtys bocourti, and pearsei come from sea level lagoons that have constant 80'F water temps, and suffer when temps drop.
Nandopsis haitiensus average water temps are often high 80s into low 90s.
With Central and North American cichlids (Mexico is considered part of North America) one size does not fit all, although for most mid to low 70s are fine.