Currently deciding if to move my small aro from his 75 gal tank to a partitioned bigger tank? But still having a hard time deciding
Which would you guys choose? Btw sorry my tanks are really dirty and not nice
Tank 1 - 75 gallon tank on 2nd floor of house near window this tank os his current tank with fluidized bed filter as main filter and with some sponge filters. Tankmates are some clown loaches and some it i dont see
Tank 2 - 300 gallon tank partitioned with 75 gallon sump, the other side of partition are my 20 inch 3 aro comm. tankmates are large clown loaches and some erh. Problem with this tank is it seems to cause aro to have drop eye. Not sure if because of height of tank or because of morning sunlight hitting the tank?
Which would be a better choice? Im growing out this piece which i want to eventually add to my red comm
Thanks for the inputs
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Which would you guys choose? Btw sorry my tanks are really dirty and not nice
Tank 1 - 75 gallon tank on 2nd floor of house near window this tank os his current tank with fluidized bed filter as main filter and with some sponge filters. Tankmates are some clown loaches and some it i dont see
Tank 2 - 300 gallon tank partitioned with 75 gallon sump, the other side of partition are my 20 inch 3 aro comm. tankmates are large clown loaches and some erh. Problem with this tank is it seems to cause aro to have drop eye. Not sure if because of height of tank or because of morning sunlight hitting the tank?
Which would be a better choice? Im growing out this piece which i want to eventually add to my red comm
Thanks for the inputs
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