Big Bad Wolf, Part 2

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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
My original thread involved my first red wolf that had to be euthanized due to injuries.

Having had that fish for three years, it was a lot of fun while it was healthy. At passing it was 12". I knew I wanted another...

This thread is for the new replacement fish.

This was the picture of the fish from Wet Spot when I had requested certain aspects.
New Red Wolf.jpg

Fish arrived today

Here it is in its home, a 65B
Will update as fish grows.
Little guy is eating frozen mysis at this point. Pretty brave and exploring the tank. Today was water change day so even though his tank could have been skipped, I went ahead and did it so he gets used to the routine. Here he is unhappy during the water change.
Morning fishroom pic, red wolf in lower right 65B
Sharing a couple pics of the fishroom where the red wolf is at. Ive shared these before on other posts. Just included them here for some idea of the wolf’s surroundings.
Top row of tanks are 90 gallon on the ends and a 46g bowfront in the middle. Bottom row are 65B on the ends and a Flex 32.5 in the middle.
Recently added the 20H as a temporary QT tank
At the end of the day its a garage that has a washer, dryer, utility sink and typical stuff of a garage like tools and storage but works well for my fish room.
Wolf ate a couple Hikari sinking carnivore pellets that I had cut in half. It hasnt quite figured out the ones that land on the substrate but at least no spitting out the pellets at this point.
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The little wolf is a great eater. No issues with frozen mysis shrimp, brine shrimp or live earthworms. Completely has pellets figured out and I dont need to cut the sinking carnivore in half, it eats them whole with no problem. It recognizes me a the feeder so when I approach the tank it wont sit still for me to even get a picture, lol.
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Little guy has put on a little weight and has some girth now. Somehow it managed to gouge its head…
He is healing up and its kind of surprising this happened since the tank is really bare since Im waiting on a piece from Universal Rocks to come in for his tank. The only thing I can figure is he did it on the end of the intake of the Aquaclear 110. He is not scared or spooked easily so really not sure how it happened but again, it is healing up.
Mine was pretty good at jumping into the lid and hurtling itself. Floating plants helped calm him down.
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Been a big fan of Universal Rocks aquarium decor for a while and have a number of their fake rocks and some plants. Decided to add a cypress knee to the red wolfs tank. Should work well even if he grows as large as the last wolf I had.
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Just a written update, no pics this time around. The little wolf is putting on size and growing. It is feeding on mostly pellets, using the Hikari sinking carnivore and an occasional treat frozen food item like mysis shrimp and brine shrimp. Can tell it wants larger food items so I will likely get some frozen krill for him soon.

Absolutely great personality and interaction occurring as soon as it sees me. Very food driven so its a lot of fun feeding him (or her, I dont know for sure).

Plan is for it to have the 65B for life as a solo fish, but if it does get freakishly big I can always try and move him into my 300 in the living room. Will try and get some pics soon.
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