big pacu - some info on big pacu

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Sep 18, 2013
san diego
i saw a video of a black pacu, they look great! was thinking about getting one, but i saw some info on the size it can get 60". some questions i am hoping to get answer. are some pacu illegal? i don't see anyone selling any species of pacu except for red belly. what max size of black pacu in captivity? what is another big pacu species that i can get that is not as big as the black pacu? but say around 24" max.
If you're talking Colossoma macropomum the largest ive seen was ~30" in captivity. Fishbase says max is 108 cm = 42". They're greedy ass fish.

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nice 30" max and they live so long so it take forever to get there? but when I google black pacu all I get is a bunch of testicle eating fish articles. I mean I understand they eat balls, I wont put my balls into the fish tank anymore once I own one. so are they legal? and where can u obtain one? there are just so little info on them. I remember back in the 90' red belly pacu became very popular here in ca because they look like piranha, but now a day I don't even see the red belly at all in LFS. I thought maybe someone release them and now they are banned. I search online and when I get pass the testical eating articles, only a few places have red belly even.
Not sure if legal in the states. I only saw em at the Vancouver aquarium never at LFS.

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I think there all in the uk ;) seems to be big (12"+) pacu everywhere for sale/free , they have become petty problematic over here due to there size and lfs selling juvi's without warning , even places like blue planet aquariums have stopped taking them on board because people keep trying to palm off due to size
I recently re homed my pacu because the pecking order of my tank changed and my jag and pacu wouldn't stop fighting , mines gone to a mate who's got an 8x2x2 with two smaller pacu and a few Oscars I thought he'd prefer it over there without having to battle daily
As for the ball munching , all I can say is there not always vegetarian mines chomped a few fish in its time and they will eat meat if nothing else available, although ive never dipped my balls in my tank but I have seen the river monsters episode :D
They are stunning fish imo but just a bit to big for captivity unless big ponds are involved , also there's always a risk of tanks being smashed by these bad boys heads are like stone and easliy spooked
but when I google black pacu all I get is a bunch of testicle eating fish articles. I mean I understand they eat balls, I wont put my balls into the fish tank anymore once I own one. so are they legal?

OMFG that made my day! I'm totally sigging that!