Biofiltration vs medications

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Not sure about quick cure but melafix and pimafix doesnt wipe out your good bacteria. Might wanna check aq pharms website about quick cure.
Quick Cure is a mixture of Formalin and Malachite Green. So is Rid-Ich, and most other general 'turn your water blue' medications. You can buy pure malachite green in bulk in the pond section usually, as a koi remedy, for much cheaper. I have also read that Formalin and Malachite Green mixed togethor is very toxic, both to fish and parasites.

If I am not mistaken, both Formalin and Malachite Green will harm biological filtration..
None of the meds you listed will affect your biological filtration. The meds you need to avoid using in your main tanks (use a quarantine tank instead) are antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria, and since your bio-filter is made up of bacteria, it can be severely affected by antibiotics.