Bluebase or not? Crossback or not?

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Leo Messi

Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 14, 2015
So, my story is this... I had bought a "Super Highback" Arowana that wasn't even Highback quality. More like a RTG because the gold shine would only go up to the 4th row. Grew him/her from about 6¨ to 12¨ or so and sold him/her, because I was disappointed (my dream was always to own a Crossback so I thought a Super Highback would be close to a Crossback).

That was the "Super Highback":



Now after selling the Super Highback, I went on and bought a freshly imported "Bluebase Crossback". Came from the farm 'Wah Seah'.
Now, about 6 months later, he/she is about 12¨ big - and YET AGAIN - to me - he/she looks more like a RTG (or a bad Highback at best) than a Crossback.

This is the "Bluebase Crossback" (pic is about 3 months old, when he was about 9¨):

NOTE: that pic was taken with perfect light and a good camera. Thats mostly the only spot in my tank (close to the front glass and under the LED light), where you'll see some blue/purple shine. Other than that perfect spot, you don't really see any. But thats secondary to me, since my dream has always just been a Crossback.

He/she isn't a Crossback, right? Shine only goes up to the 4th level and just veeeeery slightly on the 5th.
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So, my story is this... I had bought a "Super Highback" Arowana that wasn't even Highback quality. More like a RTG because the gold shine would only go up to the 4th row. Grew him/her from about 6¨ to 12¨ or so and sold him/her, because I was disappointed (my dream was always to own a Crossback so I thought a Super Highback would be close to a Crossback).

That was the "Super Highback":



Now after selling the Super Highback, I went on and bought a freshly imported "Bluebase Crossback". Came from the farm 'Wah Seah'.
Now, about 6 months later, he/she is about 12¨ big - and YET AGAIN - to me - he/she looks more like a RTG (or a bad Highback at best) than a Crossback.

This is the "Bluebase Crossback" (pic is about 3 months old, when he was about 9¨):

NOTE: that pic was taken with perfect light and a good camera. Thats mostly the only spot in my tank (close to the front glass and under the LED light), where you'll see some blue/purple shine. Other than that perfect spot, you don't really see any. But thats secondary to me, since my dream has always just been a Crossback.

He/she isn't a Crossback, right? Shine only goes up to the 4th level and just veeeeery slightly on the 5th.
Crossbacks can take a long time to show their colors. With that being said you should of seen increases since you got bluebase. Personally this is why I buy mine at least mid size. I have never had a crossback this young so I could not tell you for sure though sorry.
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Your first one, seem to be RTG. But its a close call between RTG and high-Back. Second one I feel has potential to be a cross back. 5th row has started to get the shine from tail side already.

Do you have a pic of its Dorsal Fin side and Tail? At this size, a cross back should at least have 'pearlies' near Dorsal Fin.

And not all BBXB gets blue shine, mostly gold shine only. And here you got some blue color shine already.

Lastly - is it possible for you to change the tank background? To white/blue background? That would speedup crossing from what I have heard of.
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12" is not that old/mature enough....i find most aros don't really start to show their true potential until they get around the 2 yr mark....that pic you posted at 9" looks like its developed nice shine/gold at that stage...
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if you want a xb to develop crossing shines since young / juve then went to AAA++ grade from respectable farms ones
otherwise you'll get that 'rtg or hiback ish' xb and still 50/50 chance to get it crossed
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It's only 9 inch.. relax

If you want results immediately then buy an adult one

Its not that I'm impatient. I'll gladly wait a long time if I just knew whats possible and what not. Thats why I asked here, because I believe there is a few people around here who have a lot of experience :)

The thing is just that most of the "Crossback" Arowanas I have seen around 8-10¨ have a full 5th level shine, or at least almost full 5th level shine and mine has very, very little 5th level shine. Thats why I'm kinda "worried".
I believe those you saw may have just came out from white tank treatment (wtt)

For my own bbxb, it looked like a rtg till 11-12 inches or so and saw it has reached 5th level shine with just a tiny bit on 6th... it is currently about 14 inches

Mine was always in a all black tank
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I believe those you saw may have just came out from white tank treatment (wtt)

For my own bbxb, it looked like a rtg till 11-12 inches or so and saw it has reached 5th level shine with just a tiny bit on 6th... it is currently about 14 inches

Mine was always in a all black tank

Mine is now very close to 12¨ (probably 11.5¨) and still just a veeeeeeeeery little shine on the 5th row back at the dorsal fin (really just a tiny little bit like in the picture when he/she was 9¨).

I'm worried because I really haven't seen any improvement really for the last months.

I had a Highback (just a regular Highback) 2 years ago that looked way better at the same size. Thats why I'm worried, because in comparison, my old Highback had way better shine than this supposed Crossback. Loved that Highback btw, sadly had to quickly sell him because my old tank broke :(

Here is a pic of my old Highback at the size of about 12.5¨:
