Borneo redfin silver shark


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
I went to my LFS today. I spotted a beautiful fish which I've never heard of before, they were labelled as "Borneo redfin silver sharks".

I researched them when I got home and their proper name is "Cyclocheilichthys Janthochir". Stunning fish, very much like a Bala shark, in fact they are also referred to as redfin Bala sharks!

They max out at about 8", are peaceful, and best kept in groups, which at £20 each, is going to get pretty expensive!

I'm not really in a position to take on more stock at the moment but if I was I'd get a group in a heartbeat, they're beautiful.

Anybody heard of these, or even has them?



Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 21, 2020
If I’m not wrong I’ve seen them quite a few times at LFS around my country for maybe $3? Behave just like rainbow sharks if I’m not wrong


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
I went to my LFS today. I spotted a beautiful fish which I've never heard of before, they were labelled as "Borneo redfin silver sharks".

I researched them when I got home and their proper name is "Cyclocheilichthys Janthochir". Stunning fish, very much like a Bala shark, in fact they are also referred to as redfin Bala sharks!

They max out at about 8", are peaceful, and best kept in groups, which at £20 each, is going to get pretty expensive!

I'm not really in a position to take on more stock at the moment but if I was I'd get a group in a heartbeat, they're beautiful.

Anybody heard of these, or even has them?

View attachment 1472777
It’s beautiful!
I can’t remember if I’ve heard of this before, I’m guessing I haven’t.
I hope this does become more popular, as it would be a great alternative to the bala shark for smaller tanks.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
That is a good-looking fish! And if that 8" max size is accurate, they would be much more suitable for many mediun/large tanks than Balas or Tinfoils. Judging from its build, it looks like a fast swimmer...might make a great dither for large tankmates.

But, come on now, esox...your behaviour regarding this discovery is in stark contrast to accepted MFK norms. You found these cool new fish...but due to having nowhere to put them you simply walked away without buying? Then you compounded this sin by hitting a few buttons on your computer and actually finding out some facts for yourself?

Just who exactly do you think you are? Do I need to spell this out for you???

The standard modus operandi here is to stumble upon something new, and instantly reach for your wallet while wearing a goofy grin. Buy the fish, take them home and then stand in front of your aquaria wondering where to put them. Grab your phone...being very careful not to accidentally do any searches for info...and snap a couple pics of the fish still in the bag.

At that point you have two choices. You could go the "coy" route and post one of those irritating "guess what I just got!" threads; this would have worked in this case because you already knew the name of the fish. could have demonstrated true mastery of the classic MFK technique. Start a thread asking "What is this fish? I just bought 6 of them! What do they eat? How big do they get? What conditions do they need? HELP!!!!"

This isn't as tricky as it sounds. It must really be happens so often that I think there must be a template or a sticky or something detailing the whole procedure...


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
Lol. I'm hoping that some of the old Esox wisdom rubs off on anybody who tunes in to this thread, on the correct way of going about the potential purchase of a fish.

Spot stunning fish, buy fish, take fish home and then research and try and shoehorn said fish into your tank, all within the space of an hour, is all too common, usually ending badly.

Spot stunning fish, breathe slowly and deeply, research on your phone whilst in the shop, or later when you get home, and then decide if it will fit into your system is a much more sensible approach.

Am tryin' to ejucate the young uns innit? Lol.


MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
These fish come from black waters the soft, acidic, and tannin stained streams of Borneo.
I have not kept them, but kept some of the wild type Bettas of Borneo, and planned the Cyclocheilichthys janthochir would a fascinating addition for a Borneo/biotope aquarium I was starting at the time, with endemic Crytocorne plants.
Their normal pH range is 3 to 6 , but as to whether it is required I was not able to determine, the Bettas of the same area, were very adaptable, I used a lot of leaf litter to keep tannins levels present.
Two of the Borneo mouth breeding Betta species below
B albimarginatta.
and below B edithae