Breeding Midas.

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MFK Member
Mar 21, 2013
Happy Holidays all!

Quick question, My Midas breed a few days ago in a strawberry pot. This is there second spawn. The first spawn I just let them do there thing, with a Silver Arrow and a huge Sail Fin pleco they all were eaten I suppose.

This time around I waited 2 days and removed there pot and put it in a 40 gallon breeder. Eggs have not hatched but appear to be fertile. Is this okay or should I add the female in with them? The Male is about 13 to 14 inches and most definitely wouldn't fit in there. I'm also afraid it will break there bond. This is the first female he breed with, all others he turned his nose up.

All water parameters and temps are the same, I'm running a AQ110 on the breeder with the pot right under the return to keep some flow fanning the eggs.

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AQ110 on the breeder with the pot right under the return to keep some flow fanning the eggs.

Most use a airstone just above the eggs to keep them free from any debris. That also will provide oxygen for the eggs.
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Most use a airstone just above the eggs to keep them free from any debris. That also will provide oxygen for the eggs.
the parents fan the eggs and wrigglers to keep debris from settling on them, and provide oxygen.
Even after hatching to wriggler if debris settles on the fry they can fungus up and soffocate
Once free swimming the ayirstone can be relaxed, but then the fry need to be fed small meals throughout the day. Half dozen feedings minimum throughout the day.
I usually start out feeding newly hatched brine shrimp (I like using those black circular hatcheries in the first pic, then mixing in ground up pellets in tandem with the shrimp, using a pipette or turkey baster to make sure food is evenly distributed into the school of fry
I also like to allow lots of algae to grow in the grow out tanks, for constant grazing.
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So other than that, I should be okay with removing the parents? I'll add an airstone right now.
Just leave parents in the main aquarium. They probably will breed again soon. Also keep eye on the pair because female might not be ready to spawn. The male may get too aggressive and possibly kill the female.
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Thanks to you both. I noticed at 80 degrees they usually wont spawn, but at 82 it happens rather quickly. I snatched the pot out late last night so i'll do a water change tonight and drop the temp to 80.

Air stones have been added to the breeding tank, I placed them right under the eggs so the bubbles roll over them. Thanks for the quick response.
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Just leave parents in the main aquarium. They probably will breed again soon. Also keep eye on the pair because female might not be ready to spawn. The male may get too aggressive and possibly kill the female.

YES! The previous male almost killed her within minutes.. And that was an elegit pair. I've had this male for over 3 years and never had a successful spawn, so once this one worked out I definitely want to keep some for the future.
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Show us the proud parents lol
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