Breeding of corydoras hastatus


MFK Member
Nov 3, 2005
New England USA

Should not be to tough, they are one of the easy cory's to breed. I would set a small group (6) of them up in a small tank (around 10G) with a little sand/gravel, a small sponge filter, a bit of java moss, and plenty of good food.

They do not eat their own eggs, and spawning is triggered by water changes!

Good luck with these great fish...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 15, 2005
somewhere along the equator
characinkid said:

Should not be to tough, they are one of the easy cory's to breed.
hmm...It quite seasonal to spot & purchase them in singapore...I got 5 pcs only between june-july 2005. However 1 died of stress when I do a major rescape to my tank.
characinkid said:
I would set a small group (6) of them up in a small tank (around 10G) with a little sand/gravel, a small sponge filter, a bit of java moss, and plenty of good food.

They do not eat their own eggs, and spawning is triggered by water changes!

Good luck with these great fish...
Wow...I din know hastatus' spawning is triggered by water changes...
thank you so much for your advice.... :)


Small Squiggly Thing
Apr 15, 2005
confused, lost, and lonely
These are one of the corys that I have had spawn, use a group of at least six of them in a smallish tank, 10-20g, condition them with high quality flake food, brine shrimp, black or tubifex worms, and minced earthworms, Use a well planted tank, riccia and java moss are great. Keep the tank at about 80-82 degrees, ph 6.8-7.0. then when the females are plump do a larger than normal water change (50%) using water that is about 72 degrees F and around 6.4 pH. Set the heater at 78 F. they should spawn the next day. The females stick an egg at a time to plants and are done in 2-3 hours after laying 40-60 eggs. You can leave the parents in the tank as long as you don't starve them. Eggs are susceptible to fungus so a touch methylene blue helps at this stage. Eggs hatch in 4-6 days @ 78 F and fry start feeding about 3-4 days later, powdered flake food works and they will feed on the surface of your sponge filter as well, they can be breeding adults them selves in 6 months.