I have a male and female, currently in my large (about 220 gallon) tank with other South American cichlids. I think they are Wallaciia cf nothopthalmus "sp Orinoco". I have had them well over a year but they have never really showed any signs of breeding and mostly ignore each other. I am thinking of freeing up a 240l (about 63 gallons) planted tank to put the pair in and try to get them to breed, but I would be very grateful for any advice about what, if anything, I could do to encourage them. My water parameters are: GH 1-2, KH 0-1, pH 6.6-6.8, TDS less than 20 from the tap, usually under 30 in the tanks. I have been keeping them at 26-27C and they will eat pretty much anything. They might be eating too much in the big tank as it is difficult to control. There are a lot of small snails in the 240l tank, should I let the pikes just eat them or would this make them ill if they gorge themselves?