Breeding Oscars

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Oscar guy

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 15, 2005
Queens NY
:mwave: dose any one know at what age oscars start to breed and how can you tell male from female pics would be a big help. :mwave:
I believe when they start to breed depends on other factors as well as age like water quality, ect.
There is no way to tell the difference between a male and a female. The best way to get a pair is to growout several different fish in a large (HUGE, if at all possible) tank, and wait until a pair forms. Even then, to be sure who is who, you'll actually have to catch them in the act.
Well, I suppose you could vent them after they're about 6 inches or so, but that's not even foolproof, as even experts make mistakes sometimes.
zekni said:
I believe when they start to breed depends on other factors as well as age like water quality, ect.
There is no way to tell the difference between a male and a female. The best way to get a pair is to growout several different fish in a large (HUGE, if at all possible) tank, and wait until a pair forms. Even then, to be sure who is who, you'll actually have to catch them in the act.
Well, I suppose you could vent them after they're about 6 inches or so, but that's not even foolproof, as even experts make mistakes sometimes.

Agreed :thumbsup: You can vent them usually when this is done the person attempting to sex them feeds them what ever they can gorge on then watches the vents... Or nets them and turns them upside down to see the vents... One will be straight down the other would be pointing straight toward the rear... Still the best way is said to be as above grow six to ten out. They will pair off and you might get lucky.

I also heard they breed after matured.... I forget where I read it.. And if it was in one of my books... I no longer have them... Sorry..
Only an expert should attempt to vent Oscars, its, (as you can imagine) VERY stressful to the fish. They begin to reach sexual maturity at approximately 8-9 inches in length. The best way to sex them, is to watch a pair lay and fertilize eggs. :thumbsup:
hidesherheart said:
Only an expert should attempt to vent Oscars, its, (as you can imagine) VERY stressful to the fish. They begin to reach sexual maturity at approximately 8-9 inches in length. The best way to sex them, is to watch a pair lay and fertilize eggs. :thumbsup:

If your fish are in the tank together and larger enough you don't need to remove them to vent sex them. To vent mine all I had to do was dangle a meal worm at the top of the glass or put the worm on the lid and you get a clear view of the vents. If their the same size you should be able to notice if the vents look different.
If you get a couple Os the chances based on compltly random picking and assuming the ratio at birth is 1:1

You chances of not getting a pair at 6 Os:

1/1 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/32
i had mine for about a year before they started to breed they only did it once though. they are bout 9 inches. they layed the eggs and ate it for breakfast... i was sad