Breeding Rosy Red Minnows


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 1, 2017
A couple questions here...

I am new to this yes, and have been on here and researching and searching the net (although have found more about breeding for feeding purposes and 'keeping you minnows & fry alive' for feeding purposes..yet I am wanting them only as they are the only fish...and 'Pets' for that matter that we have atm!! lol) alright all jibber jabber aside, here are some questions that I have actually found various answers to on sites etc but yet they can be quite conflicting, so I am posing them to you guys on the fishy forum :)

Ok, so Q. #1.....Not sure how to word this so just putting it in lame mans terms.... I bought my 3 rosy reds (only 10g tank so didn't want to get any more than that for this particular tank) ...but How on earth do u determine age when buy from petshop??? bought my 3 at the same time. in late July. 2 are currently about 1.5 in and one is closer to 2 in or more (again, bought at the same time)....I do not see fat heads yet (too early I'm assuming??) I can tell a bodily diff I feel (I may not know what I'm talking about here yet as they are still young)....however I see the black/gray one is longer/slender and the other 2 have more belly etc...the black has a long Horizontal stripe. (so many sites, so much info and trying to just figure out the sex atm and age and having a hard time.....!!)

Q. #2... how many fry typically are born ea time, and how many typically survive etc?

Q. #3 Being I have a 10g tank atm (going to purchase obv a larger tank/tanks before I have to take not yet born fry into these new tanks) ....being I have a 10 g tank...and currently have 3 rosy reds....I feel at Max I can keep 5 of them in 10 gal., so maybe the 3 current and 2 fry to remain in this tank and the other transferred to other tanks w/ the 2 gal. per fish max ratio in mind??

Pls help and TY to all that reply!!! thanks so much :)