Breeding Walking Catfish?

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Fish Guy

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 27, 2005
I was wondering if it was possible to breed Walking Catfish? I have one and if it was possible to breed them I would pick up a few small ones to apir up. The type I have now is Clarias angolensis.
Fish Guy said:
I was wondering if it was possible to breed Walking Catfish? I have one and if it was possible to breed them I would pick up a few small ones to apir up. The type I have now is Clarias angolensis.

it's possible to breed them in captivity, but it's probably nearly imposible in a "normal" tank. leave it to the fishery ponds...

(even a lone clarias is'nt well suited for tanks under 10 feet)
It can be done in the confines of the aquarium.

I had a breeding pair of Clarias gariepinnus. Male was 24" and female 30". They were roughly 4-5years old, and lived in my 450gal (8x3x2.5).

The male would begin to harras the female after a large water change by chasing and rubbing his head near her anal fin and then along her body as the courting progressed. The male would then wrap his anal fin around the females anal fin and shake vigorously. I did not notice a 'nest' with this species instead they would lay their eggs almost completely out in the open with the infertile egg floating in the mid water column, which I though was quite interesting.

Eggs hatch quite quickly 34 hours in 28C, 39 hours in 27C and 40 in 26C.

Fry are easy to feed, will consume young artemia for the first week then will just about consume anything in site. Cannibalism is too be watched out for.

any further questions I would be more then happy to answer.

here is a pic of the old pair (some of yoy may recognise them from the old days) -






hi just got a pair given only got a 55 gal but already got established malawis will there be conflict ., have had them for about a week and no signs of any problems