Building a Mega-Home Marine Tank (18,000 GA) Need Advice All Welcome

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 24, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I am starting the process of designing a mega – house tank that would basically turn my game room into a home / public aquarium. The aquarium will be:
L x W x H = 420 x 60 x 180 and will be about 18,000 gallon tank. The tank will have a theme of basically being a snap shot of the Pacific Ocean had hold everything from blow fish to sharks, and octopus. The tank will have three dimensions in the middle would be open ocean sand, rocks etc, on the right would be coral reef, and on the left would be more deep depth ocean. So each specimen would have its own habitat to be comfortable in.
I am building the tank with a structural engineer friend of mine and I wanted some advice from people who have built large tanks I wanted to save money on the cost effective side. I have seen people make large tanks out of wood, fiberglass or going all acrylic would be more expensive. I was going to use gunite or concrete but I want to have the ability to if need disassemble the tank to relocate if need be. So I was think of using light weight aluminum for the structure, expoy base and wood exterior for decoration. That way if I was going to take apart would be able to disassemble. Also only the front would be viewable like a commercial aquarium. I would like advice on where I could by the Acrylic and work could I save money. Also the filtration system would be on the top instead of the bottom cause the tank would go from floor – up not base/stand then take so all together height about 17 feet w/ filtration system.
Please email me or post any and all advice welcome!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 27, 2007
Just plug your basement floor drain, move all the utilities upstairs and water proof your basement walls. Then simply build a waterproof viewing enclosure and you're done! You'll have a 360 degree panoramic view of your fish doing laps around the basement!

Best of all, its simple to move with your handy dandy transforgerfier as long as it has at least a 75% charge left.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 14, 2008
Good idea!However,a few things about the setup for habitats:
If youre doing sharks,don't to blacktips,please,they need tanks around 25,000 gallons.

Stick to one biotope(reef,deep sea,etc)most fish in different locations need different water types,specifically temperature.And plus most species from seperate biotopes don't mix anyway.It would work,however if you did a reef/open sand area,but deeper ocean,especially the pacific,needs very cold water for the fish.And you may need to get a specific type of live rock for cooler water.

And if youre doing sharks and get an octo,you will be getting one expensive feeder.Plus it's hard to monitor those things in large aquariums,and will be overjoyed to swallow or attack any tankmate.And puffers and sharks aren't compatible,so it's one or the other.

And finally,what are you planning to do?Cool water(e.g. california)pacific,or tropical pacific?

Other than that,sounds like a good idea:thumbsup:


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 29, 2008
Pictures please when you start , this sounds great .


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 7, 2005
I'm in dfw. pm me. I'll help!!!
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