Can Fire Eels & Plecos get along?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Jul 28, 2009
I am thinking of buying a common plec to live with my Jaguar Cichlid to get the food he chews up and spits about his tank but he is a mean old Jag so it might not work. If it doesn't work I could put him in with the Oscars and Fire Eel but I am worries the Plec might start sucking on the Eel for his slime coat! Has anyone kept them both together? Would it work?

Thanks in advance!
Sounds good, but I would recommend switching to a smaller pellet size so the jag doesn't have to chew and waste food. And remember, the pleco might clean up a little food, but it will actually make your tank MESSIER with the amount of waste it produces.
Thanks guys!

I have just bought a new badgof the Large Hikari Gold so i'll try the medium ones next time, I have started him on Massivore too and he doesn't make much of a mess with those, maybe he likes them too much!
I had promblems with a fire eel and my large cactus pleco(L114). Not so much slime coat more of territory. My pleco does not get along with other bottum dwellers but leaves all other fish be I don't ever keep commons so don't have much experiance with thembut heard they do go after slime coat. If this happens one will have to go.
That is what I am concerned about, I'm still not sure if I should go ahead with the Plec but if I do and he causes my Eel any trouble he would have to go.
common pleco wount cause any trouble whatsoever. they usualy stic to the glass and eat the excess pellots floating in a row at the top of the glass. my eels eat feeders and pellots and out swim my plecos anyway. now thats common plecos. other Ls might be more territorial but that would be more of defence or offence.not tring to eat your eels. alan pretty much nailed it. common plecos never cause me trouble unless i have fry in the tsnk snd the y try to sneak over for a quik meal.
They shouldn't have problems as far as territorial aggression, but I read that there are cases that plecos tend to suck the slime off of fire eels' body, which isn't good for the fire eel.
They can live together but I think he will be fine with the Jag. I have plecos in with 8 Jags.