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Can fish Hear


MFK Member
I just modified one of my FX6 canisters by adding a spray bar now my tank is very load which doesnt bother me i actually like the sound of the spray bar but was just wondering if fish can also hear the water.
Hes a 12-13 midas so far he seems even more active
I have the habit of dropping some food straight after I walk in from work. One day I was at home all day and was standing near the tank watching the fish when my other half walked in. I could hear the door opening and closing and so did the fish, which upon hearing the "door" noise immediately stopped doing what they were doing and gathered in a bunch, waiting to be fed.

I remember also watching a video of Takashi Amano who had trained his angels in a quite large planted tank to come for food when he knocks on the glass.

It seems fish have quite good hearing, or at least some of them.
Lol I was just thinking about this today, wondering if my Arowana could 'hear' the stupid chickens in the neighbor's yard behind our house (though I'm quite certain she can't; Aros have barbels, which are made specifically for feeling vibrations in the water, it would have to be a pretty loud and deep sound outside the tank for them to detect it, but who knows).
There have been lots of studies about fish hearing, especially cichlids. I understand that the cartilage line running through the body of oscars receives noise vibrations as our ears do (well sort of). Not able to find that study on my phone at the moment, but here are a few others.



My Oscar will respond to my voice sometimes I have found or when my son is speaking loudly from the other room. Or sure seems to, though never done any formal testing myself.
I'm a keen angler. Trust me, fish can hear, see and feel vibration very acutely, much to my annoyance. They detect vibration through their lateral lines so any heavy walking along the waters edge and they're off. Any sudden movement against the skyline and they're off. I've even known anglers who have a radio playing on the bank and they've drawn a blank. You've heard of the wily old carp. Ain't that just the truth.
There are some species that communicate by audible noises.
Exactly. :-)

Call me weird, but a search on "soniferous" fish and listening to recordings can be pretty entertaining.

