Can you Keep Kribensis and Geophagus together?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 29, 2016
I've been trying to figure out my last fish for my tank. I want a easy breeding pair of Cichlids, but my tank has South American Geophagus while the Kribensis I am currently looking to get are West African. I've seen people on Youtube keep them together but i do not know if its wise. All i want is a smaller species of cichlid for breeding thats peaceful, and easy to breed. I don't want a species too big cause then the territorial issues during breeding may cause severe damage to my peaceful species in the tank. Also other members in tank include:

2- 1.5" Congo Tetras
1- 2" Threadfin Geophagus
1- 5.5" Demon Eartheater
1- 4" Leopard Bushfish
3- 6" Farlowellas
1- 3.5" Pink tail Chalceus
1- 2.5" Dinosaur Birchir (going to move this one out of tank when size may become a problem)

Please Can Someone Tell Me Are The Kribensis Okay To Put In With This Group? If Not Or If You Have A More Peaceful Similar Size Cichlid In Mind Please Tell Me!

Oompa Loompa

MFK Member
Feb 6, 2016
Not sure why this wasn't moved, but I'll tell you know that this isn't the right section to post this thread in - you may want to try the Cichlids section, you'll free up this sub-forum and you'll draw more attention towards your topic - it does everyone better :)

Now, to answer your question - there are factors that will determine the answer. How big is your tank? I saw you posting about a 120 gallon, is that what you're planning to get? If so, I wouldn't imagine there being any problems with the stock in your tank - you could definitely keep the senegal (aka dinosaur) bichir in with that stock too. You may want to get some more congo cichlids in the tank though - since they are a naturally schooling fish.

I don't see the kribensis being a problem either, I would imagine they'd do fine.


Feeder Fish
Feb 27, 2016
I haven't kept the majority of those fish personally, but I have had Kribs and Geos in the same community tank for a long time without any real problems...the only time the Kribensis get overly aggressive is when they're trying to breed. Even then, they don't bother the other fish unless they get too close to their caves.
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