Canister filter, Intake very weak?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 19, 2005
i have the LifeTech 828 for my 120g and the intake just seems very week! I have in etup in the middle of the tank with the outtake pushing water towards it. when i put my hand next to the basket i cant feel anything and when i take off the basket i barely feel anything! Do i need to prime it more or something, please help me out here guys.
anybody have an ideas? its just like the intake isnt sucking in water very hard, its weak!!! have i missed something in setup for the filter? I NEED SOME HELP!!!
tear it apart, clean it, and put it back togather
i just got it, its brand new!!! i washed out all the biomedia and made sure everything was working before i set it up.
What brand filter?
What size filter?
What size tank?
Is water coming out the return line ok?
What brand filter?
What size filter?
What size tank?
Is water coming out the return line ok?
1/2 of your questions will be answered if you read the original post
water is coming out the outtake fine, read the frist post it answers all your questions.