I do NOT keep Channa harcourtbutleri, I keep a species that was sold as harcourtbutleri by a german wholesaler named aquarium-glaser. But its not sure that these fish really are harcourtbutleri, MOst people think they are a gachua variant from Lake Inle (Myanmar) and not Channa harcourtbutleri (that comew from the same area) .
To differenciate these fish from others they are calle Channa sp. "glaser-harcourtbutleri" so everyone can easily see, what they are.
I do know only one person who keeps the real harcourtbutleri, his username here is pallestopheles. His harcourtbutleri are big massive fish, no wonder he has them for several years now.
The "glaser-harcourtbutleri" look like this :