Hello, I am setting up my 7ftx2ftx2ft tank next week (it arrives Tuesday) and I am kicking around ideas of what to keep. Basically it's going to be sand substrate, lots of large bogwood, rock work and a reasonable amount of plants. It will have 2x Fx6 external filters running and a subdued LED lighting set up.
Tanks mates will be my jaguar cichlid (3-4 inches) and my 14 inch fahaka puffer... Now before you all start I have had her with other fish since she was a fry and is currently living with the jag and rainbow fish so she is not your normal fahaka.
Now to my question..can I house successful for their lifetime any species of cichla? And if so which species and how many?
Like i said I am fleshing out stocking lists and have 3 separate ones so far (depending on availability really of suitable speciems). But cichla have always been fascinating and beautiful and as this is my dream tank I figured it might be time to look isn't the idea in detail.
Tanks mates will be my jaguar cichlid (3-4 inches) and my 14 inch fahaka puffer... Now before you all start I have had her with other fish since she was a fry and is currently living with the jag and rainbow fish so she is not your normal fahaka.
Now to my question..can I house successful for their lifetime any species of cichla? And if so which species and how many?
Like i said I am fleshing out stocking lists and have 3 separate ones so far (depending on availability really of suitable speciems). But cichla have always been fascinating and beautiful and as this is my dream tank I figured it might be time to look isn't the idea in detail.