Clearing things up about my recent threads


MFK Member
Jun 3, 2024
So as you guys know, I was frustrated and wanting to quit the hobby. That was all because I was having a rough day. It was the next day when I actually got my water conditioner and spent HOURS cleaning my tanks. I have also taken in all your guys advice, I just only answer to certain things that catch my eye. Also, as stated before, my ADD and slight autism can make me get happy or upset at weird times. And I’m only 13 of course I wouldn’t know all these things some of your guys say. Also I feel more stress and criticized by some things you guys say to me rather than the actual problem. Just please take a deeper understanding of where I’m coming from too. Also I was able to rehome a lot of the fish I don’t want and I'm now focusing on what I actually want. Also some of the snarky comments I’ve had on post throughout the time I’ve posted on MFK have also brought me down causing my to want to quit.

Cal Amari

MFK Member
Mar 9, 2023
Well I'm a few years older than you but I understand where you're coming from. You try to post a question and in the process get several responses about what you're doing wrong. It can be intimidating but remember you don't owe anyone here anything. I think most of the members here actually do have good intentions but we're all regular people who have good and bad days. And some of those days we probably shouldn't be responding lol.

I am impressed at your enthusiasm and persistence at 13, I don't think I stuck with anything for more than a few weeks at that age. Just be patient and enjoy the hobby for what it is, don't try to change something everyday. Get reasonable sized stock for a reasonable size tank that you will do regular maintenance to. Then sit back and enjoy it. The more you tinker with them or rescape them or add just one more fish, etc is more opportunities for everything to go sideways. For me it's very peaceful and relaxing when I stay out of my own way and just enjoy having the fish and sitting back and watching them every day.
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Nov 19, 2007
Some members are more passionate than others and come on a bit strong. We all made mistakes starting out and everyone’s still learning. Try not to let it get to you; take the good and overlook the negative if you can