considering starting a shrimp tank


MFK Member
Oct 31, 2016

I have a 6gal Fluval edge that is currently salt. Previously it housed a fire shrimp for 2 year. I am debating on switching to a freshwater tank for crystal red shrimp. I have a couple of questions though:

1. the pH of the water here is 7.8...would the shrimp survive even with drip acclimation?
2. Would I have to use RODI water?
3. Is a Aquaclear 20 HOB filter okay? I know sponge filters are pretty popular with shrimp
4. If I were to do a Iguami style tank, what light would you recommend for the plants and shrimp?
5. Are there any fish that can be kept with them?
6. How many shrimp is a good number to start with: 5-10?



Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011

I have a 6gal Fluval edge that is currently salt. Previously it housed a fire shrimp for 2 year. I am debating on switching to a freshwater tank for crystal red shrimp. I have a couple of questions though:

1. the pH of the water here is 7.8...would the shrimp survive even with drip acclimation?
2. Would I have to use RODI water?
3. Is a Aquaclear 20 HOB filter okay? I know sponge filters are pretty popular with shrimp
4. If I were to do a Iguami style tank, what light would you recommend for the plants and shrimp?
5. Are there any fish that can be kept with them?
6. How many shrimp is a good number to start with: 5-10?


convict360 convict360


Staff member
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
Honestly I think 6 gal is too small for crystals, they're super picky. And if you're using co2 (usually necessary for iwagumi carpets) then the water can be pretty unstable.

I'd recommend easier Neocaradina such as cherries or whatever, there's many types and are usually a bit more forgiving :)

1: pH isn't too bad, they usually like softer water

2: Depends on hardness

3: Yes, use an intake cover though.

4: A pretty strong one!

5: In a tank that size, probably not. My friend has better luck in larger tanks with lots of hiding space

6: Yes, the more the merrier!


MFK Member
Dec 9, 2013
1) I wouldn't do crystal shrimp in that water, might work but you'd be tempting fate, especially with sensitive varieties. Neocaridina would be more suitable in this regard.

2) If adamant on crystals RO water is a good shout as you can then remineralise it to a suitable TDS, anywhere between 50-150 is a good ballpark for crystals, but this is debatable.

3) Aquaclear are great, just watch the intake, possibly cover inlet with sponge.

4) Lighting can be flexible for iwagumi, if you want more light demanding plants you'll have more of a challenge balancing water changes to control algae, along with the health of the crystals. Still doable though. Or go for lower lighting which is infinitely easier.

5) Most fish will attempt to eat shrimp, and if not adults then shrimplets definitely. Otocinclus are the only general type identified that don't seem to actively predate.

6) At least 5 is a good number to start with

P.S I've kept crystals in 1.5 gallon tanks, but I wouldn't advise it as there was literally little to no breeding. I even found it difficult to breed them in 5 gallons, but above this they seemed to do much better, so I say try it with the 6 gallon.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
May 18, 2012
New York
I have a colony going for 2+ years now in a 5.5, about 80 in there now after starting with like 15
1&2. pH on mine is about a 6.6, they don’t usually tolerate it much higher than that, my pH is brought down because of the wood and ADA Amazonia substrate that I’ve been using, my GH and KH are also very low (2 and a 1 last I checked) which keeps everyone happy, my tap water comes out at a 7.2 with the same GH and Kh however so if you’re comes out significantly higher then your going to want RODI water to remineralize for your tank

3. Hang on backs are fine just get a stainless steel or sponge filter guard, I’m using an old whisper 30 on mine cause it’s what I had on hand, I just adjust the flow if it’s too much ever could do an iwagumi in there but you’d be limited in plant choices if you’re not doing CO2, I’d personally look at any good LED that’s you can dim if it’s too strong. I’m using a old Ray II which I have raised above the tank and have floating plants at the surface to soften the light, but honestly I don’t mind algae in that tank so if it happens when I get lazy it’s whatever

5&6. I wouldn’t keep anything other than maybe small nerite snails with them, not enough space and any fish not called an oto will eat the babies, plus I think that tank is way too small for otos. I’d say start with 5-10 shrimp, don’t go crazy with adding new shrimp unless you’re wanting to throw in higher grades to improve your bloodlines or diversity

Hope that helps
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