Crenicichla Saxatilis not eating

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Oct 24, 2019
Have you tested your water?
If yes, what is your ammonia?
0 ppm
If yes, what is your nitrite?
0 ppm
If yes, what is your nitrate?
20 ppm
If I did not test my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
Do you do water changes?
What percentage of water do you change?
How frequently do you change your water?
Every week
If I do not change my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
I have a pike cichlid that is 7 years old and he has not eaten in about 3 weeks now. His diet consisted of silversides stuffed with pellets. He is in a 75 gallon tank with a large sponge filter and a seachem tidal 110. He is the only fish in the tank. His fins are also tattered and it looks like he has several small holes drilled into his head. The holes in his head appeared several months ago and I have been monitoring them, they have not gotten any better or worse, I put in melafix to prevent any infections. I currently have some minnows that I am quarantining and medicating to see if those can entice him to eat.

Edit: accidentally hit no in reference to testing water, I did test it with an API test kit.
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Sounds like hith. Would keep nitrates less than 20ppm. Try dosing some general cure or metronidazole to the tank. If it starts to develop an appetite then start feeding with the metronidazole mixed in the food till better. Just IMO.
Sounds like hith. Would keep nitrates less than 20ppm. Try dosing some general cure or metronidazole to the tank. If it starts to develop an appetite then start feeding with the metronidazole mixed in the food till better. Just IMO.
I'm not sure if it's HITH because HITH usually looks like craters, these look like someone drilled into his head. The holes are uniform and circular, not irregular. I'll redose with general cure and see if that changes anything. If he doesn't start eating, should I try to force feed him? I really don't like doing that unless it's necessary and I'm not sure how ethical that would be.
I'm not sure if it's HITH because HITH usually looks like craters, these look like someone drilled into his head. The holes are uniform and circular, not irregular. I'll redose with general cure and see if that changes anything. If he doesn't start eating, should I try to force feed him? I really don't like doing that unless it's necessary and I'm not sure how ethical that would be.
Not a fan of force feeding. Try the general cure or fritz metro cleanse. Even try some live earthworms or live black worms if you can. If you’re gonna force feed then make sure you put some metronidazole in the food and feed as well.
Not a fan of force feeding. Try the general cure of fritz metro cleanse. Even try some live earthworms or live black worms if you can. If you’re gonna force feed then make sure you put some metronidazole in the food and feed as well.
Ok, I'm going to go get general cure now, just did a 75% water change. With the water level low, I got a hold of him. This is what his head looks like. How long should i wait for the general cure to work? Hes getting a lot more thin and emaciated than im really comfortable with.20250305_080732.jpg
Looks like HITH to me, and with that nitrate concentration of 20 ppm its not surprizing.
Where these cichlids come from, nitrates are usually in the <5 ppm range, but it often take a while for HITH to show up over time, and with a slow gradual nitrate buidup
In such a small tank, i would consider a 50% water change minimal to ward off HITH, and because in my tanks I try to do 100% per weekin my 300 gal system (in 30% to 40% increments) more, would be better, and might perk up its appetitate.
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Looks like HITH to me, and with that nitrate concentration of 20 ppm its not surprizing.
Where these cichlids come from, nitrates are usually in the <5 ppm range, but it often take a while for HITH to show up over time, and with a slow gradual nitrate buidup
In such a small tank, i would consider a 50% water change minimal to ward off HITH, and because in my tanks I try to do 100% per weekin my 300 gal system (in 30% to 40% increments) more, would be better, and might perk up its appetitate.
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Should I just do a lot of water changes and see if he improves or begin dosing general cure?
Should I just do a lot of water changes and see if he improves or begin dosing general cure?
Can try it. Might get better and not completely go away. Gotta treat the underlying cause if able.
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I did another water change and began dosing with general cure. When the water level was low, I used some old metroplex and focus that I had and soaked some pellets in them and managed to get some down his throat using a plastic pipette so he has something in his system. The metroplex was expired, so it may not be overly effective. I'm going to work for the night and will update any changes. Thank you all for the help.
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