Crenicichla sp. 'tapajos I'

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Running From The Hammer...
MFK Member
Jul 6, 2005
Just a few pictures of my 'babies'. . . I really need to get a show tank that has no scratches in the glass/acrylic. . . :(




Cichlidgeek mentioned you had these beauties. Hows there temperament with other fish? Or do you keep them solely with Crenicichla?

Stunning...How red are they?
They are with a Red Tailed Giant Gourami and a texas, but aside from that just other pikes.

They are pretty aggressive to be honest with you. The dom. male is a bruiser and he is constantly flaring at the other pikes. The females are more laid back, but they can dish it as well.

They are quite red indeed. Don't know how to capture it with my camera. Wish I could.
Awesome Pikes peanut. What part of missouri are you from? I've got to come check out your tanks some time. Maybe buy a pike :) lol and what does jaconda mean? I've been seeing that allot lately
Peanut_Power;4905779; said:
They are with a Red Tailed Giant Gourami and a texas, but aside from that just other pikes.

They are pretty aggressive to be honest with you. The dom. male is a bruiser and he is constantly flaring at the other pikes. The females are more laid back, but they can dish it as well.

They are quite red indeed. Don't know how to capture it with my camera. Wish I could.
That's what I was afraid of.

Might have to state up a Crenicichla only tank with nothing but red heads. Looking good Peanut.
They look really great!! Man that was a deal of a lifetime, hahahaha :)

Look at those colors, just awesome!!! Really happy that you got them. Who cares about scratches when you have such nice fish behind those glass panels!!

Superb!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the close ups!!!
Loving them , I can really see the difference between yours and mine.
Both excellent speciments....What are they eating????
I will try and post picks of mine so people can see the difference between
Tabajos 1 and mine. (I.D. still to be determined.).....Later

Any pair bonds yet????:)
Awesome Pikes!
I have been wanting to get a pair of them for a species only tank ... bu8t one day I will :)