discus disease? Please HELP!


Feeder Fish
Aug 28, 2017
Hello guys,
I have a few concerns I wanted to share about my discus. I currently have a 75gallon tank with 4 discus 5 angel fish(1 adult and 4 fingerling) and one terra and 6 small bottom feeders. My female discus has been sick for a few weeks now and I am really not sure why. I am doing consistent 40%water changes every 2 days and my water parameters are almost perfect. My female discus is looking very skinny recently and is very inactive. I know a lot of people have this problem as well, but my fish are constantly eating and they eat a lot. I keep my temperature at about 86f just to make sure that whatever they have gets treated. The fish always stays in one corner of the tank with clamped fins. The other discus are looking fine, but one of them had a white stringy poop that definitely looked like a parasitic infection. I could see the worms coming out of him and with no hesitation I suspected a parasite. The symptoms of the fish are all over the place so I will try to be as specific as possible.

Female discus symptoms:
1-clamped fins
2- skinny and lethargic
3- staying in one side of the tank(top right) and starring at the wall.
4-bloating right after eating.
5- One of the fins was rotting, but that might have been due to some of the fish picking on her.
6- Football shape and skinny head.
7- Black dots on the body(might be genetic) .
8- Facing down all the time.
9- Fish eating aggressively

The only symptom that I noticed in my other discus is the white stringy poop. I haven't seen that on the female though. I have been using aquarium salts (about a cup for my 75g) to help prevent anything that might be going on. I just purchased General cure from API, but I won't use it until I know exactly whats going on. I really want to know what is the best approach to take especially because I don't want to overwhelm or stress the fish if they don't have anything. I also want to avoid parasites becoming resistant to medication so I want to make sure that it works the first time I use it. I am really worried about my discus and would really appreciate all the help I can get.