Discus with Rainbow Fish?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 18, 2010
Southern Indiana
I currently have a 120g with rainbow fish. Would discus work with this setup? 4 would be as many as I would want, and I really don't want anything to happen to my rainbows.
If they would be suitable tankmates I would adjust my parameters before getting any discus.
I think I'm gonna stick with rainbows. They seem to like harder water (which I have here). Discus tank... maybe some day. They are gorgeous fish!:)
I know my rainbows are crazy eaters...I would imagine they would out compete the discus for food by a mile. Might also be too fast/active and stress the discus out. I do have an angel with my rainbows, and they get along just fine.
Thats very interesting! I would have thought discus would have been troublesome for the rainbows.

I had some angles in my tank with the rainbows, but they would always pair up and get aggressive.

If I did start another tank for discus can they do ok in like 7.6-7.8 pH?
the question is, can the rainbows survive for long in the temps that discus require? my discus are in 84 degrees and that is considered the low side. many keep discus in 86-88. I have 25 lemon tetrass with my discus and all get enough to eat. I don't think rainbows are any faster then lemons.
It depends which species you intend to keep with discus. M. praecox and M. boesemani are fine.
You can keep European bred discus at a pH of 7.6 but stay away from wild caught fish or those from South East Asia