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DIY skimmer


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
I want to build my own protein skimmer cause of their price range,small,tiny useless looking one is R200.
Ive noticed that a skimmer is cylinder tubing maybe a box chamber,
a inlet pump from the tank,and a outlet into sump and a air pump for the bubbles.
Ive got a 2000lph pump and air pumps lying around.
was wondering if anyone has tried to make one and knows how well they work?

thanks alot feishkeepers
ok sweeeht so poeple have tried and all types are working whooo
i might just use both to integrate both ellements.
Well i shud have most of the materials available and will be making it
for a small marine tank with a sump same size(12 gallons),
will be trying to start and maintain some live rock for several months
until i put some gobys and rockskippers
well is the skimmer you bought lasting really long with your requirements met,
with out having to modifier it in any way

i think they might just be abit more expensive in S.A
how much liters does your support and how much is the damage
well is the skimmer you bought lasting really long with your requirements met,
with out having to modifier it in any way

i think they might just be abit more expensive in S.A
how much liters does your support and how much is the damage

I bought my skimmer used, and it does a lot for my tank, at least once a week I take out about 3/4 a gallon of nasty brown foamy/liquidy stuff. Not sure how many liters but my tank is 75 gallons, and the skimmer is rated at 125 gallons. I have not modified it at all, pretty much "plug 'n' play" The skimmer I bought is the coralife super skimmer 125.

What do you mean by SA?

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^ he means south africa, where he's from. So cost analysis won't be comparable.

the second solution i posted gives a pretty good idea of the whirlpool style (not sure on the official name) and it's by far a more elegant looking solution as well as longer lasting than the first simply by materials used. his costs were ~ 50$

a counter current air pump skimmer for around the same is in the following 2 links

trouble is that the whirlpool still looks better and easier to spot issues with, since it's transparent just like commercial skimmers are.
ok shot,that is a nice simple layout perfect there is alot i can use to put this together
the cheapest skimmer i could find was R200 and was for a nano tank,wudnt take me nowhere after that.
i can kinda buy all the materials with that too.and always an excuse to make myself.
a decent skimmer for 4ft tank,check one for 750 thats heavy for me.like 100 bucks for u guys dont know how bad that is.
ok sweet im keaaan
shot shot guys
and shot for the links yogurt,realy helpt me make up my mind!