So I think my silver aro may be developing drop eye. One looks straight at you and the other is always looking in a downward direction. It's only one side and the side that is dropped is still functioning it moves and it sees. Is there a way to fix it. Is it a reversable ailment. I was thinking to put a towel over the front if the tank when I'm not home. I was told if the only thing to see is up it will influence the fish to use the muscles the lift the eye more. I am feeding it floating pellets and the occasional bag of crickets. The feeder fish were laying in the bottom and didn't seem like a feezable staple. The aro is currently in a 125 perfecto or magnifico some thing like that. it's the marine land preplummed one with the plastic pipe hiders. There are led lights suspended 3ft above the top. I have a 90gallon sump. With 1 micron socks 120oz or carbon and ammo chips. 2sq ft of sponge and 500+ bio balls. It runs at 1600 to 1800gph. It sits at 78.4f with a ph of 7.2. No ammonia no nitrite less then20 ppm of nitrate. I change 50gallons a week and top off in between. No chemicals at all. Milasian drift wood in the main tank with about 20 almond leaves. Is there anything else I can do between now and when he goes in the indoor pond. I'm building a 5500gallon indoor pond out of acrylic. It will hold my aro, Oscars, shovel nose catfish, bichir, and Dempsey. I hope that's big enough for them to max out and not try to eat one another.