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Dwarf Cichlid Appreciation Thread


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Posted in CA/SA, but Africans are also allowed!

They may not be big, but certainly have lots of personality! Show off your dwarf cichlids, and what you like about each species you have!
Hopefully we can highlight the largely forgotten part of cichlids!

Krib cichlid (Pelvicachromis pulcher):
I started with a pair and now have a whole colony, breeding has slowed since there are so many though.

My original male before a rescape:4C0CA3EB-E77E-43B1-BDD3-DD816475515C.jpegGroup of kribs
image.jpgDominant female and her mate behind (not sure if these are the originals or not anymore…)image.jpg
What I like about them is that, while their regular colors are rather drab, their breeding dress is amazing, as shown with the female in the bottom pic. They are a lot like convicts, generally mild mannered until they breed, then they claim half the tank and go crazy…but much more toned down than a con. They also play well with much meaner fish, I have one in my CA/SA setup and it knows to stay out of the way, but is doing very well.
Love the shellies! Almost got a group a few months ago, one day I will.
I think anything under 4-4.5 inches works for categorizing them. That seems to be how most sites do it.
Alcolapia alcalicas, from Lake Natron, a very shallow lake in Africa that is more saline than the ocean, temps in the 90sF.
I kept mine in the high 80s, in slightly brackish, hard water,
Pair spawning above, the female mouth broods eggs and fry, she is holding eggs below
I started up a shell dweller tank a little while ago. The Lamprologus Occelatus Gold are some of the hands down bravest fish I've owned. I've had the dominant male that is a hair over an inch bite my hand because I was in its territory when I was cleaning, lol.