Sizes of everything? And what exact species are you talking about? I think the black shark will cause you problems.
Still on the smaller size, I'm trying to get all my monsters together while they're small so I have a better chance of them cohabiting peacefully.
Distichodus sexfasciatus - 8"
Osphronemus laticlavius - 7"
Labeo chrysophekadion - 5"
For the dormitator maculatus I'd like to get one smaller as they're a very fast growing fish.
My dithers are dawkinsia filamentosa, sahyadria denisonii, crossocheilus reticulatus, and an epalzeorhynchos frenatum that shoals with everyone. Catfish are pimelodus pictus and synodontis petricola. I'm not too concerned with the smaller 6" guys because they're fast fish in an 8' aquarium with plenty of driftwood, rock work, and anacharis. The rtgg and black shark have been in with these fish since they were 1" and the sexfasciatus is much more recent but has been thus far good.