Fat Tetra

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MFK Member
Aug 27, 2019
Howdy folks!

One of my Columbian tetras is looking extremely fat. Is this obesity? Constipation? Dropsy? Eggs? It's been like this for about a week, and all other behavior has been normal.

Is it acting normal? Would dose some Epsom salt at 1 tsbp per 5g. Dose some kanamycin or maracyn2.
Yes, it's still acting normal and eating aggressively.
Ok. Then consider a fasting period. Still not better then the measures I mentioned.
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If they are acting and eating normal, they are not sick. Two reasons they can get fat. They are fast swimmer and can out compete for food. What other fish do you keep with them. You have ripped females that are egg bound. How large and mature are they.
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If they are acting and eating normal, they are not sick. Two reasons they can get fat. They are fast swimmer and can out compete for food. What other fish do you keep with them. You have ripped females that are egg bound. How large and mature are they.

It's 180 gallon tank with 14 Columbian tetras, 5 geophagus sp red headed tapajos, 1 EBA, and 2 severum. All of the fish are juveniles. The tetras in general are aggressive feeders. They go after food at every level of the tank. Some of them pick pellets right off the sand with the geos. It's possible I've overfed them in order to make sure my smaller severum is getting food. He's a shy feeder and only really goes after flake. I've stopped doing that, so he's just gonna have to get more involved.
I did fast them for a day, and I've started feeding hex shield. I'll look into those other meds you mentioned.
I see