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Favorite Discus Food Recipe

I havent tried it yet but i plan on trying this one.

3 pounds beef heart - cleaned & defatted & trimmed
2 pounds raw shrimp - peeled
1 pound white fish
1 pound liver (we use beef) - trimmed & rinsed well and soaked in very hot water 3 minutes
2 pounds frozen plankton - thawed, or 6 ounces freeze dried - well rinsed
2 boxes frozen spinach- steamed lightly
1 box peas- steamed lightly
Note: It is best to obtain organic beef products that are raised free of bovine growth hormone (BGH) and antibiotics.

Run all ingredients through a food processor. When everything is processed mix well in a large bowl.
Add the following: They may be obtained at your local health food store.
6 raw egg yolks , 1/3 cup kelp powder (a seaweed) , 1/4 cup brewers yeast , 1/2 cup wheat germ and 1 tablespoons spirulina powder.
One tablespoon vitamin c powder. Mix thoroughly.

I got it off of Rocky Mountain Discus hatchery website.​
At the health food store get some agar powder. Not the stringy stuff, not the pellets. Get the powder. The eggs and shrimp in the discus food recipe also help bind the food. Stir in 30 grams of agar agar. Mix well. To activate the agar binding we will heat gently in the oven. Set the oven at 200 degrees Fahrenheit (warm setting). Line cookie sheets with wax paper. This makes it go much easier later on. Smooth the food onto the wax paper lined cookie sheets around 1/2 inch thick. You will use several pans. Place the sheet in the oven for 20 minutes. Next cool the pans. Place them in the freezer. When frozen remove and cut into blocks. Store the blocks in high quality freezer bags.

For anyone who breeds discus or makes there own food, is there any other vitamins or anything else that you would add to this? I was thinking about adding garlic. How much would you add?
WHOA! Cooked food for fish??? everything ive ever heard or read says fish cant digest cooked food. But good additives are Kents Zoe, Brightwell aminomega, and brightwell garlic power is great. The garlic is very concentrated so if your fish arent sick or finicky eaters about one drop per 2 tablespoons of food is usually sufficient. Smell it first you dont want it to potent with garlic. And also be sure not to over feed this food and make sure your filtration can handle the excess waste. Shoot an email to Hans Discus(get it on his website) he has a great recipe that doesnt involve heating it.
As to egons question. Not a dumb question. Never a dumb question involving fish! Remember that when you freeze the food the thicker it is the harder it is the section it off later for individual feeding days. I use Ice trays that arent very traditional(got them at Ikea) and always put aluminum foil over tightly to prevent freezer burn. when I section it off I usually break off sections for daily feeding and wrap them in aluminum and put all in a plastic container with a lid. Always thaw before feeding. But everyones different and the method usually depends on the recipe also.
Well ive never heard that recipe so I cant say for sure. Just saying beware and giving you an alternative.