Fire Eel Growth Rate.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2008
Is anyone familiar with the growth rate of a Fire Eel? The reason I'm asking is that I have both a Tire Tack and a Fire Eel and The Tire Track has grown considerably while the Fire has not. The Tire Track went from 6'' and skinny to 16'' and massive in a year. In the same time the Fire has gone from 6'' to maybe 9'' and still roughly the same girth. Any of you guys that have grown these Eels from babies, how long did it take you to grow one out to 3' ? It has been roughly one year and they are now both in a 280gal. They both eat the same foods and as a matter of fact I think that the Fire Eel even eats more then the Fire Eel. Any feed back as to when I can expect the Fire Eel to thicken up?


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2007
San Diego
SovietFireExtinguisher;2667746; said: a matter of fact I think that the Fire Eel even eats more then the Fire Eel.

In all seriousness, My fire eel has grown from 9'' to 12'' in a little less than a year. They slow down once they get to about 10'' I think.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2008
Oh, you got me.:redface: I guess that spellchecker doesn't check for stupidity. My bad. Did yours increase in girth as well as size?(That's what she said. Yeah I know, no need for an admin e-mail.)


MFK Member
Jul 24, 2008
my fire eel was in a 40 gal for a year and went from about 5 inches to 10 then i put it in a 55 by its self and is now 2 foot after 2.5 years in thata tank its getin a 75 by itself as soon as it cycles.


MFK Member
Jul 24, 2008
my eel is very picky he will come out and he will eat from my hand he seems to like that the best. The prob is he will only eat ONE BRAND of mysis and nothing else. I have tried live guppys, blood worms, earth worms (he ate one 1 time) ,and lots of dried and frozen foods. unforntially the brand he eats is the most expensive. pricenine energetics. my lfs sells it for 20 bucks for 8 ozs.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2008
svtim;2685119; said:
my eel is very picky he will come out and he will eat from my hand he seems to like that the best. The prob is he will only eat ONE BRAND of mysis and nothing else. I have tried live guppys, blood worms, earth worms (he ate one 1 time) ,and lots of dried and frozen foods. unforntially the brand he eats is the most expensive. pricenine energetics. my lfs sells it for 20 bucks for 8 ozs.
Ouch, that's pricey. Mine eats pretty much everything, I guess I'm lucky that way.

Wet Whiskers

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 28, 2008
Amongst the Catfish & Plecos
I have two that I bought at 7" and they have grown at different rates. Over the last year one has grown to 18" and doubled his girth. The other guy is about 15" and is much thicker than he originally was. I had feed both, but the bigger one is just a vacuum cleaner. I originally had them on blood worms, but once I moved them to red wrigglers and krill they exploded. Try feeding red worms again. Maybe hold off on his favorite food for a day and then try.

GL Jen

Oh, and by the way, I also have a 24" fire eel as well. I have also had him for about a year, and he grew from an emaciated 18" to a FAT 24" inches over this time. Go Night Crawlers, Krill, and cocktail shrimp!


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2007
San Diego
svtim;2671767; said:
my fire eel was in a 40 gal for a year and went from about 5 inches to 10 then i put it in a 55 by its self and is now 2 foot after 2.5 years in thata tank its getin a 75 by itself as soon as it cycles.
You have a 2 foot fire eel in a 55G tank right now? I'm not sure 75G will be big enough...

Yes, mine increased in girth. Some are more sociable than others, but mine can definately recognize me. It is great at begging :D

Wet Whiskers

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 28, 2008
Amongst the Catfish & Plecos
:hearts:I named my 24" incher Norbert, and he is ridiculously friendly. But, the coolest thing is that I started calling him every time I would go to feed and he wasn't already at the top. Now, if I call him he is up at the top in less than 5 seconds. At first I thought this was just noise that was attracting him, but, now, he's in the garage where there is all sorts of noise and us talking all the time. I don't think he actually knows that that is his name, but he hears the sound and thinks LUNCH!!! So, either way, I have a fish that comes when called. LMAO :ROFL:

Edit: Ooh, sorry. Tangent! So I'll help put it back on track. Anyways, I had Norbs in a 55 for a few months, and then moved him to a 120. He seemed very happy in the 120, and I'm sure I could have kept him in there for a long time. But, ya know, I ended up with a 180 and put him in there. With as active as he is, it is hallarious watching him zoom around. He's in with big fish, but when he gets going he just rearranges the tank and sends his neighbors jumping out of the way. Of all my 125ish fish Norbert is by far my favorite!:hearts:
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