I bought a 3-4" fire eel a month ago. I have a 30 Gal tank with 2 black molly, 2 dwarf gourami, 1 pleco, 1 african dwarf frog, 1 cory catfish, 1 male betta, and my fire eel (All fish are small right now). I don't have any sand on the bottom but I do have small gravel (I was gonna get sand soon). The last two days the eel hasn't been eating its bloodworks like it has been for the last month. It has been floating vertically in the top corners of the tank for these two days as well. This morning I woke up and the eel is upside down at the bottom of the tank squirming/coiling around. It seems to be breathing heavier then it ever has been. Its gills and lower head area look redder then I have see it so far. And it also seems like there might be white marks on its side, can't tell if it might be Ich or burn marks or something. It has stopped moving for a few seconds upside down at the bottom of the tank, and the cory catfish started nibbling at his tail for a second. Last night I looked at the betta and there is a big white spot on his head as well. I doubt it is a burn mark thought cause even though I don't have a heater cage, it never seems to get that hot when I touch it with my hand. So maybe Ich but I dont know. I fear heavily for the eels life. I really want it too pull through. What should I do, put It in a hospital tank or? I have a lava rock in the tank which is pretty sharp and I was going to remove soon, in fear of the eel scratching himself. Water temp is 76F, Ph is about 7.3, General Hardness was about 150, Nitrate and nitrite were very close to zero (To be honest the color testers are hard for me to see). Replaced the water about three days ago, cause my roommate dumped the PetSmart water into the tank after getting the molly. I will post picture when I get home from school. Please Help Me Help The Eel.