Fire eels and tire track eels together

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
i've never had a fire eel. i have a 9 inch tire track and a 6 peacock. they were once in the same tank and did well. i have since moved the peacock to another tank, but not due to conflict with the tire track. the word is that none of the spiny eels get along with one another, especially as the mature.
Depends on individual specimens. Some do, some don't.
I've got both a Tire Track and a Fire eel in a 125. The TT tends to be a bully. The Fire Eel will be minding his own business and the TT makes it a point to cause trouble. The Fire Eel will typically just keep running off to hide, but the TT follows and starts trouble.

The Fire Eel is slightly larger and I'm hoping he starts standing up for himself soon. If not I'm going to have to come up with different arrangements which sucks because the Fire Eel is my favorite, but the TT is an awesome specimen and I'd hate to have to give him up.

They're both young so there's a chance that they'll mellow out with age. I hope that proves to be the case.
If you read threw a few other... dozen times this has been asked.. the answer is still the same ;) As juviniles yes.. sometimes they can be housed together. Krawnik as they mature they will likely get more aggresive, Not less aggressive. and Your TT showing signs of aggression already is not a good sign. If the TT backed off once the fire did.. they might be compatable.. but the fact the TT is continueing his aggressions. I'de say you have a 99% chance the TT will eventually kill your fire eel. Or chase him bad enough your fire eel commits "carpet suicide" as another MFKer calls it. in a 500gal + tank with many many hideing spots for each eel you might be able to pull this off. a 125 might house a Fire eel OR a TT for life. Might... Both are the two largest false eel species, and notoriously aggressive towards con-specifics. There are a few MFKers here who keep more then 1 fire eel together. But I have yet to see anyone keep more 'n one TT in a tank. 'nore and Adult TT and Fire eel in the same tank. Theoretically with enough room for territories yes? realistically? no. One eel usually kills the other.. and usually it's the fire eel that dies.
Kolossus;3566956; said:
Depends on individual specimens. Some do, some don't.
I agree. There are always exceptions to the rule. My tire track and peacock got along well.
MonsterMinis;3569647; said:
If you read threw a few other... dozen times this has been asked.. the answer is still the same ;) As juviniles yes.. sometimes they can be housed together. Krawnik as they mature they will likely get more aggresive, Not less aggressive. and Your TT showing signs of aggression already is not a good sign. If the TT backed off once the fire did.. they might be compatable.. but the fact the TT is continueing his aggressions. I'de say you have a 99% chance the TT will eventually kill your fire eel. Or chase him bad enough your fire eel commits "carpet suicide" as another MFKer calls it. in a 500gal + tank with many many hideing spots for each eel you might be able to pull this off. a 125 might house a Fire eel OR a TT for life. Might... Both are the two largest false eel species, and notoriously aggressive towards con-specifics. There are a few MFKers here who keep more then 1 fire eel together. But I have yet to see anyone keep more 'n one TT in a tank. 'nore and Adult TT and Fire eel in the same tank. Theoretically with enough room for territories yes? realistically? no. One eel usually kills the other.. and usually it's the fire eel that dies.

Yep, not arguing the point. They've only been together for about a month now and I'm monitoring them VERY closely. As it stands the aggression has been minimal, but existant. If (or when) it begins to escalate I'll have to weigh my options.

I'm prepared for the fact that they may never get along. The empty 75 gallon tank I have sitting in the corner may very well be put to use soon!