Hey guys,
I'm looking to stock a 500 gallon (8 x 3 x 3) with an eel, but can't seem to decide which! The current stock list consists of:
1 x silver aro
1 x giant gourami (gold)
1 x flagtail prochilodus
3 x rotkeil sevs
5 x hericthys bocourti
5 x tinfoil barbs
1 x oxydoras niger
I've heard that fire eels are much more beautiful but that tiretrack eels have got a whole lot more personality- which do you guys think I should go with? Is there any way to go with both?
I'm looking to stock a 500 gallon (8 x 3 x 3) with an eel, but can't seem to decide which! The current stock list consists of:
1 x silver aro
1 x giant gourami (gold)
1 x flagtail prochilodus
3 x rotkeil sevs
5 x hericthys bocourti
5 x tinfoil barbs
1 x oxydoras niger
I've heard that fire eels are much more beautiful but that tiretrack eels have got a whole lot more personality- which do you guys think I should go with? Is there any way to go with both?