Hard to tell in the pic of it’s a lice. Can just pull it off with hands or tweezers. Lots of lice would bother but not one. Try to get a better pic or atleast if u pull it off.
A week in is likely just still settling in. Probably still not eating. Would make sure ur water is clean and provide a little shade with floating plants. Likes soft acidic
Not sure how to add a video but the quality is way better when it does the video-picture thing. Grossness.
Havent checked parameters yet but yesterday GH was on it's way down, KH around 80, pH at about 6.8 ammonia under 0.25ppm, nitrites 0, nitrates under 20 ppm. Temp 80. Peat moss, oak bark extract and sea leaf extract of sorts to start creating blackwater. Bog wood X 2