So as you all know I have had an aggressive blood parrot that wouldn't allow my dragon blood peacock in the 90 gallon tank with him. Well things decided to work out I guess and she has accepted living with him in the tank. The only problem I have now is my fish will not eat absolutely anything I feed them. Sure they eat a couple of flakes when I drop some in the tank but they just let the rest go to waste, and I don't put a ton in there. They swim up to the tank when they see me so I know they're hungry. I've tried so many things but they just don't eat as a fish should be eating. I know it can't be a health issue because it's the entire tank that won't eat any food. The only ones I see eat plenty are my bichirs, except my endlicheri which only wants a special kind of pellet. I've fed shrimp, minnows, fish fillets, hikari sinking cichlid pellets, Omega one flakes and other brands I've tried. They all eat worms and "most" of the time hikari carnivore pellets but I haven't had those in a while since I'm trying to get rid of this food. Obviously they're eating the food but they let it sit for a few then eat it. I don't know if it's because they don't like the hardness of it or what. Maybe the shrimp and fillets are too chewy? I've noticed this too, most of them take the food in their mouth, chew it, then spit it out and leave it. Any ideas guys? Most of the cichlids look like they have dips in there stomachs. I just want to have those perfect fat bellied display cichlids. Please anything will help at this point. I'm tired of spending money on food they won't eat. Thanks guys