Flowerhorn compatability


Feeder Fish
Aug 21, 2024
Hi all, I have recently bought a male red texas and a female kamfa and i have a divider in place. At first they was attacking each other through the divider and after 1 week my kamfa at the size of 3inc dropped her eggs on some stones. Then they were locking lips through the eggcrate. I did remove one of the stones to the other side of the divider to see if the male would do anything but it wasn't interested. Eventually both had eaten the eggs after turning white.
It has been two weeks now and I opened up the divider as the aggression calmed down to see how they would react to each other.
The male was doing a little bit of tail bashing as the female was constantly following it and after about 10mins it ended up the female chasing the male, fin nipping etc. The male is an Inch bigger than her but clearly he is being bossed buy her and so I've put the divider back in place. I would like to know what are your thoughts on this? I am thinking to buy a super red kong parrot female for the male and another flowerhorn srd but a larger male as the female kamfa has a lot of attitude. Also I was told it could take the texas and the kamfa a couple of months to possibly pair or am I wasting my time?
I would like to see the current fish I have pair up Eventually, also I don't have any other fish in the tank




MFK Member
Dec 28, 2007
Astoria, NY
If your female FH is already chasing your Red Texas then more then likely there not compatible, No female wants a weak male. i would move the Texas to his own tank for a few months power feed him get some size on him where he is much bigger then the female then try to reintroduce them.
That is a nice Texas i would be patient with them and not buy any other fish for now especially a KKP
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Feeder Fish
Aug 21, 2024
OK, really appreciate the feedback and it's sounds like very good advice. Getting another tank in 3 weeks and I'll be splitting them up.
Thank you