Flowerhorn food


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Seattle, WA
TLDR: Is NLS ultra red (38% protein) pallet are good enough for best growth of juvenile 4 inch flowerhorn or should I get higher protein percentage pallets (NLS grow)?

I have been feeding my flowerhorn NLS ultra red, since I wanted to focus on red coloration and from reading many posts here I believe NLS is very good brand. It has 38% protein in it.

There was ongoing discussion on one of the groups on band (a new app being used by flowerhorn hobbyists due to Facebook restrictions) about what everyone feeds there fish. I posted the pictures of ultra red in there.

Someone messaged me that ultra red would be good for color but lacks protein for good kok. And recommended CZ Help kok or the Excalibur growth formula.

I replied with I am more concerned about overall health than kok size.

She advised me to talk with flowerhorn sellers who have been doing this from long. She also uses NLS but for other fish and wouldn't feed anything with less than 45% protein to the flowerhorn.

I replied that I would ask around.

I started searching on this forum for old discussion and found post about food (most helpful were from RD.). I gathered few points from that

Flowerhorns are omnivorous not carnivorous.
35% protein as part of a maintenance diet is better.
Extra protein will be wasted (waste will pollute the water) and will cause strain on the liver (same as on humans here) and take energy to process.
Fry have higher metabolism can take more protein.

My fish being 4 inches long would not be a fry nor an adult more like juvenile. Do I need more protein? Something like new life spectrum grow? I have blood worms from PEtsmart, okay to feed those?

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Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Someone messaged me that ultra red would be good for color but lacks protein for good kok.
The person that messaged you that is ignorant, and has no clue. There are many more FH hobbyists out there just like that person, so get used to it. lol Your fish is fine on the Ultra Red, 38% is minimum, actual protein content would be approx. 40%, which is plenty of protein for a fish your size. Also, it's not just a % based on crude protein content that is important, it's the amino acid content of that protein that is most important.

And nuchal hump size is based mostly on genetics, and gonadal swings as the male fish matures, not diet.
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Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Also, looking at your fish at 4", I don't believe that it will ever have a large nuchal hump, no matter what you do, or what you feed.
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Seattle, WA
The person that messaged you that is ignorant, and has no clue. There are many more FH hobbyists out there just like that person, so get used to it. lol Your fish is fine on the Ultra Red, 38% is minimum, actual protein content would be approx. 40%, which is plenty of protein for a fish your size. Also, it's not just a % based on crude protein content that is important, it's the amino acid content of that protein that is most important.

And nuchal hump size is based mostly on genetics, and gonadal swings as the male fish matures, not diet.
Thanks, I will keep feeding NLS ultra red, planning to get a 2kg one, will be cheaper in long run.

Her suggestion was about kok size but my concern was about overall growth.

Also, looking at your fish at 4", I don't believe that it will ever have a large nuchal hump, no matter what you do, or what you feed.
Not worried about the hump. It has shrunk a little may be due to travel as breeders pic had slightly larger hump. I don't want overly large hump anyway, just a happy active healthy fish

These were the pictures from breeder








Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
It's a nice looking fish, I just don't see any major kok potential. I only mention that due to the piss poor advice the person gave you on boosting it's diet with high protein, as though that will somehow magically cause a large gain in nuchal hump. Large nuchal humps are filled with fluid, hence the term "water kok", not protein kok. :)


MFK Member
Oct 24, 2018
TLDR: Is NLS ultra red (38% protein) pallet are good enough for best growth of juvenile 4 inch flowerhorn or should I get higher protein percentage pallets (NLS grow)?

I have been feeding my flowerhorn NLS ultra red, since I wanted to focus on red coloration and from reading many posts here I believe NLS is very good brand. It has 38% protein in it.

There was ongoing discussion on one of the groups on band (a new app being used by flowerhorn hobbyists due to Facebook restrictions) about what everyone feeds there fish. I posted the pictures of ultra red in there.

Someone messaged me that ultra red would be good for color but lacks protein for good kok. And recommended CZ Help kok or the Excalibur growth formula.

I replied with I am more concerned about overall health than kok size.

She advised me to talk with flowerhorn sellers who have been doing this from long. She also uses NLS but for other fish and wouldn't feed anything with less than 45% protein to the flowerhorn.

I replied that I would ask around.

I started searching on this forum for old discussion and found post about food (most helpful were from RD.). I gathered few points from that

Flowerhorns are omnivorous not carnivorous.
35% protein as part of a maintenance diet is better.
Extra protein will be wasted (waste will pollute the water) and will cause strain on the liver (same as on humans here) and take energy to process.
Fry have higher metabolism can take more protein.

My fish being 4 inches long would not be a fry nor an adult more like juvenile. Do I need more protein? Something like new life spectrum grow? I have blood worms from PEtsmart, okay to feed those?

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Your already on the right track man so many people especially on Facebook are so misguided with flowerhorns.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Seattle, WA
Your already on the right track man so many people especially on Facebook are so misguided with flowerhorns.
I have seen that. It's crazy, flowerhorn specific food and minerals getting sold at crazy prices. People need to understand minerals and food is what they are, there is no magic dust added to them for flowerhorns.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Seattle, WA
Flowerhorn is eating very fast, he ate 14 x 3 mm pallets in under 30 seconds. Had fed 10 this morning. I am concerned that I might be overfeeding him and make him fat. I am seeing to many fat/bloated looking flowerhorns on Facebook.

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Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Yeah, go easy on the food. Let your eyes be the guide as to how much it requires for food. Also, back when I was keeping flowerhorns NLS didn't have it's AlgaeMax formula, but today I would certainly add that formula to any FH that I kept. I feed it to all of my fish on rotation, good stuff, for color, and overall health. I look forward to seeing this fish as it matures.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Seattle, WA
How do I know how much is enough? I assumed I am overfeeding as I saw your post recommending 8 x 3 mm pallets for similarly sized fish.

By looking at breeders pictures and video, do you think he was on some chemicals for color? He just looks too red in those.