Flowerhorn / Rose queen hybrid

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Jun 3, 2019
Perkasie, PA
Im new to this forum and to fish keeping in general. Picked this little guy up at PetSmart. Can anyone tell me more about him? I'm trying to determine his overall adult color, temperment, tank size, growth pace etc. Im also trying to figure out what strain flowerhorn he's from.

I currently have a Blood Parrot, Royal Green Terror, Jack Dempsey, Red Tail shark, Firemouth and a Convict. They are all smaller, Blood Parrot is tank boss. All fish are about 2-3 inches. Goal is to put them all in a 75gal. Hoping if they all grow up together it will be a smooth transfer. But.. from what im reading this RQ x Fh will have the 75 all to herself. But I couldn't pass up on this fish I looked the colors. Thanks!

Gourami Swami Gourami Swami
Nice looking little fish. I am not an expert on the ID'ing small FH's, but I know many of the ones they sell at petsmart are called "red dragon", they also have thai silk (which this is not)

On the care- yeah chances are this fish will need a 75 to itself when it's an adult. You can expect it to be aggressive, and grow about 1" per month until it is larger.
I think that your other mix may be a little bit ambitous for a 75 gallon even without the FH, green terrors and JD's have the potential to get large and aggressive as well. 6 foot 125 would have a better chance of working out, or perhaps rehome one. Odd man out to me is the GT.
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Hey Swami,

Thanks for your input I really appreciate it. I was away for 4 days and soon as I walked in. I noticed the fish almost fully faded to yellow/gold. I been doing. Some research maybe it's a Golden Fader Flowerhorn X Purple Rose queen. Not sure if it's a male or female yet. Please reply with your thoughts regarding my little guy. Thanks again Swami! ✌
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So this is that same fish as I originally posted above. I'm new to this forum. I don't if the fish was stressed or in the process of fading. But the lfs said it was a rose queen x flowerhorn. I'm thinking it might be a Golden base flowerhorn. I been doing some research. And that's what I could come up with. I'd appreciate some Input. Stay tanked ✌