Flowerhorn X Blood Parrot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
Nov 8, 2011
Flint, MI
I stumbled across this photo yesterday and I'm curious about how one would go about achieving this. I know a lot of people hate hybrids, but I think these guys look pretty awesome and if the methods involved aren't too complicated I wouldn't mind attempting to recreate this pairing. I must have been misinformed because I've always been under the impression blood parrots are infertile, but after looking more into it I've now seen all kinds of blood parrot crosses. My blood parrots are pairing up and laying eggs constantly but their eggs are always eaten by tank mates. If separated from the community tank would anything come of these eggs? I've tried researching this as much as I could before posting, but I haven't come up with much info.

Also, I'm curios if anybody knows anything about how these fish (the flowerhorn x blood parrots) develop as they grow. It looks like they keep the blood parrot body structure but get flowerhorn coloration, which is what I like about them. Has anybody kept these or seen photos of how they look as full grown adults?

Unfortunately, after I saw this photo I saved it to my computer, but I can't seem to find the original website I got it from, so I can't offer any link.

Female blood parrots are sometimes fertile, males seem to never be.

Sometimes male flowerhorns are fertile.

I will post a pic later of a full grown female bpxfh that I had.

They look the same as juvies, just bigger ;)
Kirin or killin bps or flowerhorn are awesome. Most male blood parrots are infertile so females are used for breeding. I'm sure someone on here will know more about how they are bred.
Not sure how they breed but have also read that female BP r used in cross breeding awsome fish though i have one and he runs my tank it is the only fish that i have got attached to and cant seem to sell i always wanted a FH but never had the tank size for them so i came across a killin FH and jumped all over it. I will try and post some pix of mine tonight
Usually line breeding, selective breeding, and a combination of both for inbreeding. Use one of those and cross into a short body male and you can throw out some regular full size Kamfa...
Real killin parrots from my knowledge come from a cross of amplilophus flowerhorn female with vieja male... like making a homemade blood parrot but you select for colour instead of fade. Those look like they were made by a couple generations breeding project rather than a one time cross.. they are very similar. But the variance in head shape suggests amplilophus was crossed back into a 50/50 mix of a. and v.