Here in Indonesia, most fishkeepers don't like brackish fish. They either keep fresh, or saltwater, no brackish. Because of this, most brackish fish (puffers, sleeper gobies, scats, monos, archers, etc.) have been bred in freshwater. Although, there exists a small community of fish breeders that breed usually saltwater fish into freshwater. Most of these fish (groupers, seabreams, and a few others) can survive in brackish water, which helps the process of transitioning these fish into freshwater. There is one such group of fishes I would like to keep though: Snappers. There are 2 main snappers I would like to keep, although both are extremely rare outside of Indonesia, this is why I am here making this post: to ask for a care guide. The first and more common snapper bred in freshwater is the Rusell's snapper (Lutjanus russellii). This is usually the fish sold under the Indonesian name "Kakap Tompel", although that name is basically just a nickname for snappers with black spots on their bodies. The second snapper is the Dory Snapper (Lutjanus fulviflamma). I've seen sources that say both fish can attain 35 centimeters (13.7 inches) at their maximum length. One source says the Dory snapper can grow up to 50 centimeters (19.6 inches). Any saltwater keepers who have kept any of these fish, please provide information on the 2. Also, there's another snapper I want to keep, which is the Checkered Snapper (Lutjanus decussatus), although that snapper isn't fully freshwater, it still needs a salinity of 1.005. Any information on the Russell or Dory will be helpful, even the Checkered if you've kept it.