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FS TX DFW: Freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Its time for this guy to move to a bigger tank. I have a 1 year old macrobrachium rosenbergii thats been well kept. I raised him from the time he was only 1 inch long. Now he is about 15 inches long from tip of claw to tail. He is cuurently kept in a 75 gallon tank and has been fed with shrimp pellets and occasional live shiner minnows. Asking $30 Local Pick up in Rowlett Area.





Baby Prawn
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Prefix explanation : WTB (want to buy), FS (for sale), FT (for trade), FREE

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Example : FS - Arowana - York, PA - Pick-up only

Example : FT - Polypterus endlicheri - York, PA - shipping or pick-up
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