Green Majano Anemone?

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 19, 2007
Hello all,

Quick question. I was given a small piece of live rock from a friend with what was thought to be green zoo polyps.

The more I do research on them, however, the more I think they look like whats called Majano anemones... but brightly colored.

The shape looks exactly like a majano (will get pics up later), but these are very intense green.

Some of them had even "jumped" off the rock in the bag on the ride home and attached themselves to the sides of the bag, and now once in the tank, some have moved onto other pieces of rock - something I don't think zoo polyps are quite capable of...

Is there such a thing as green majano anemones?

Could they pose a threat to a mantis shrimp?
Majano's come a fair range of colors, including green..

If its moved location, then your guess would be correct as one of these and not polyps..

They are easily removed by gripping the stem with tweezers, and very gently lifting it away from the place its attached...their foot usually detathes quite quickly when then happens...
Thanks, I've found that out (moving them). The large ones literally just cling to your finger once you pick them up. They don't seem to mind the ride.

I really don't have any other coral in the tank, or anything like that. All that's in there is a mantis shrimp, and a damsel.

How do you think they'd fare with the mantis shrimp?

I know they're a pest, but they are really pretty, and half the work of coral. If possible, I'd like to keep them.
I have these cute lil guys that I was tolld are tulip anemones. They are bright green & have bright pink tips. They do not sting & some folks offer me as much as $10 for one.
Those look really nice..

Does anyone know a site with a list of the differant types of anemones and thier requirements ?
yeah those are really pretty, I wish those are what I got.

They're still really nice, the majanos... just can't put any coral with em :)