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hap. compressiceps


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
we just got in some hap compressiceps and they look pretty cool need to know something about them any help would be nice... told that they go by diff. names don't remember though...
proper name is Dimidiochromis comprecisseps.

they prey on small fish/fish fry in the wild, and they are incredibly adept at doing it in the aquarium too, although while only 3-4" long the only fish they can really eat are small guppies.

carnivorous/protein pellets are a fine primary diet for them.

Both sexes start out silver w/ black stripes, but the female stays that color while the male develops a striking blue/turqoise color throughout its body as it matures. Male gets like 10", females 7"

They are not good tankmates with mbuna, as mbuna tend to bully them too much and are excessively active.

They are territorial toward other african hap species.

They are best kept in a fairly placid, tranquil tank without too much tankmate movement.
Are you talking about the Malawi Eye Biter (Dimidiochromis compressiceps) 2 pics, sort of long and blueish, or the Lake Tanganyika (Altolaprologus compressiceps) several colors several pics?










A. comprecisseps is not a haplochromis cichlid, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that the LFS mislabeled i suppose...
dimidiochromis, I saw the order form and it said hap. that is part of all of my confusion I was soooo confused...
I don't know what a hap. is, that is why I asked with pics. My old reference book doesn't help here. What is the full spelling of Hap. please?
haplochromis, its a scientifically extinct taxon now tho, from what i hear. but still widely used as a common name for most of the non-mbuna Malawi cichlids...
Arrrgh! My brain is full!