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Heater burn.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
IMG_7440.JPG IMG_7442.JPG So I got my rays in at my LFS. He's a buddy of mine so he's letting he keep them at his store until my tank is ready.
Anyway they have been in for about three days so far. We saw the larger one eat today for the first time so that's good. Unfortunatly I think the larger one burned herself yesterday.
I'm going to try and attach pics and video below.

I've read on here to do water changes and add salt. Is there any other tricks to utilize? How much salt should be added?
Any other info would be great.
Thank you.

We've been doing 55% water changes on them with RO water for the last two days.

Should salt be added?
A 55 is crazy small for rays...rays produce 10× the ammonia of other fish the same weight. What size tank are you planning to put them in?
I don't personally use salt with rays...although I don't keep rays in small tanks. My philosophy is large water volume, big filtration, and drip for rays. The 50% a day waterchanges will certainly help. RO is not necessary though. My rays are in hard water 7.8 pH
RO is just consequential. He uses it on everything in his store. They are only in a 55 for a week or so. And they are only 4-5" so it didn't seem to be an issue.
Good advice here. I'll add that it's very important to keep that fish eating. Rays are hardy and can overcome a great deal, but if they stress and start missing meals it's usually all downhill from that point.

The wounds are towards the edge of the disc which is a good thing. It has a chance but it needs very specific care.

Tank is much too small, filtration likely inadequate. Water quality has to be perfect. Time to research and make preparations quickly. Understand the commitment you're making and what you're getting yourself into. They're very rewarding, yet very challenging. They also get large.

Good luck
Please understand I have a tank at home that will dwarf them. This is not an issue.

The owner of the store had them shipped in 3 days ago and I want to see them eat and finish the setup for my tank at home before I bring them back. Most of that should be done this weekend. Im just asking what should be done, if anything, about the burn.

And I have corrected the issue and brought in my own covered heater so it won't happen again.
Really the biggest thing is keep the water clean and keep the rays eating. Really all you can do. Rays heal very fast, unfortunately they die really fast too. Hope you can get your tank ready quick. Be sure you have plenty of cycled media on hand. Rays do not tolerate any detectable ammonia. I'd guess ammonia is the number one killer of captive rays. Ammonia=dead ray in a hurry. Hope everything works out, rays are the ultimate fish to keep as far as I'm concerned. What type of filtration do you have planned? I recommend a large fluidized bed filter. K1 is great. As your rays grow, they'll produce more ammonia than conventional filtration can keep up with.