Hello there! I've been an occasional lurker, and re-stumbled upon this forum as I was looking for info on Amatitlania cichlids. Been keeping freshwater aquariums for 15+ years, mostly nano species, though I'm looking into getting some *slightly* larger cichlids - hence the Amatitlania. Fingers crossed I can find some Amatitlania nanolutea!
I have a 75 gallon mixed community, currently with an aging trio of Bolivian rams, some dwarf petricola, one BN pleco, and some rummynose tetras. Also have a 20 gallon long with Laetacara dorsigera and green neon tetras.
I have a 75 gallon mixed community, currently with an aging trio of Bolivian rams, some dwarf petricola, one BN pleco, and some rummynose tetras. Also have a 20 gallon long with Laetacara dorsigera and green neon tetras.