Help feeding Black diamond rays


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 9, 2023
I’m having a hard time telling if my rays are eatting. They are in a 700 gallon tank with peacock bass they have only been in there for four days they have mostly been hiding in the sand but don’t seem to have any kind of feeding response. Been feeding frozen krill and silver sides. I’ve seen them mouth it. I think that they have are but just not while I’m watching. Been trying to make sure enough food makes it to the bottom and stays there. They could just been still getting used to the new tank. They is my first time with rays is there anything I should look for to know if they aren’t doing well. I’m going to buy earth worms today and massivore pellets are ordered and on there way. I curerently feed the bass carnivore sticks. Any advice is appreciated. They were eatting shrimp great while in quarantine the past month.
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
I’m having a hard time telling if my rays are eatting. They are in a 700 gallon tank with peacock bass they have only been in there for four days they have mostly been hiding in the sand but don’t seem to have any kind of feeding response. Been feeding frozen krill and silver sides. I’ve seen them mouth it. I think that they have are but just not while I’m watching. Been trying to make sure enough food makes it to the bottom and stays there. They could just been still getting used to the new tank. They is my first time with rays is there anything I should look for to know if they aren’t doing well. I’m going to buy earth worms today and massivore pellets are ordered and on there way. I curerently feed the bass carnivore sticks. Any advice is appreciated. They were eatting shrimp great while in quarantine the past month.
You could try to target feed them with tongs or pvc pipe.
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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 20, 2017
How big are they? Maybe make sure they are not having to work at it get it down cut stuff small enough they can fit it in their mouth. Try nightcrawers cut into small pieces like I explained they they can get without any struggle. After they are eating nightcrawers hopefully you can transition back to whatever you like.